The following lists contain links to vendors that we do business with and people and organizations that we support.
Land Escapes Landscaping:
Land Escapes Floral and Decorating:

Weston Nurseries, Hopkinton, MA
Cavicchio Greenhouses, Sudbury, MA
Bisco Industries, Dedham, MA
Plant Connection, Inc., Long Island, NY
Boston Design Center, Boston, MA
Hope In Bloom, Dedham, MA
Green Roofs for Healthy Cities
Jacobsen Building (978) 793-1166
Trevor L. Smith, MCH, AOLCP
LEED Green Associate
(617) 308-7063

Christina L. Donovan, Designer
(617) 504-9661

Circle Furniture has showrooms in Acton, Cambridge, Danvers, Framingham and Pembroke.
Visit their website or showroom for information about their eco-furniture line.